"I blended Stevia(natural herb the FDA illegalized) in water, and the water safely/quickly doubled in size into a WHITE BUBBLY SOUP that made me think it had exploded into it. That Soup seperates/returns to purer water underneath a layer of foam that ph's bad for cancer causers. I can actually make water that is significantly heavier than before by simply removing that foam. I blend water into exploding into that Soup, and then pour it in a bottom pour container. I fill it up, wait for the pure h2o to form underneath, and then pour out the good and rinse away the foam. In a small hand sized500ml bottle of water, it can be made up to 4 grams heavier by eliminating the foam. Drinking that water has detoxified my 39 year old body to the point I recently dunked the basketball for the first time ever. I'm wondering if that White Bubbly Soup might not be split h2o, and if it is, it could power earth and cars. I'm thinking that maybe I luckily stumbled into a 'crossover' between the sciences that no one knew to look for in what Stevia does to and for water. dqcw41@yahoo.com if anyone is interested in making water safely explode into a Soup, and who might be willing to shed some light on this."