Monday, February 1, 2010

Dan Quinn soundboard, for real playa

This is great

1 comment:

  1. Let me tell you first that I've been around. I've been a bouncer for many many years. BANG BANG BANG. It's a street fight, NEVER look away from your opponent. "Look sir I really don't want anything of this" and then I go WHUH like this and I slit ya throat and its over and out. WHRAH, WHRAH. Everybody underestimates the kick in the groin. WHRUH, that's the first thing to do. I follow up BENG BENG BENG. Right away after that, dang ada dang ada dang. See what I'm doing? BOOM, that's the left elbow right there. I can also deliver H A N G headbutt out of nothing. BOOM right elbow, BING right straight, maybe now the headbutt comes, knee to the face, and lookie lookie what we got here, smack his face, smack his face. Create distance and grab a chair, you can slam it into his face, you can stab with it, and while I throw it at him I will kick him in the groin, boom right straight, gonna bounce his head on the table ten times or somethin', DONG DONG DON'T YOU EVER DO THIS. Right away you say "Ok I'm sorry" BENG BENG BENG "no I'm not".
